Provides contracted professional nursing services in home and school settings for government and other agencies
Provides quality assured short and long term pediatric nursing care, based on an individual needs assessment of the child
Our care providers are Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses, all of whom are practicing members of BCCNP. All caregivers receive ongoing training and professional development. They are carefully selected, screened and trained to meet the individual child's medical and support needs. Ongoing review and evaluation of staff ensure high standards.
Nursing Solutions – Accredited Nursing Services For All Ages
Provides contracted professional nursing services for all private clients
Provides quality assured short and long term specialized nursing service for publicly funded support service agencies
We provide the highest standards of pediatic care and specialized nursing care for all ages. We develop client-specific individualized care plans including forms and checklists. We provide ongoing quality assurance and detailed end of month reporting and itemized monthly billing. We provide staff mentorship and education and a quick response for the provision of care.